Courses and Schedules
First-year Military Science I
- Army Leadership
- Customs and Traditions
- Military Operations and Tactics
- Goal Setting and Accomplishment
- Health and Physical Fitness
Sophomore Military Science II
- Applied Leadership Theory
- Communications
- Principles of War
- Military Operations and Tactics
Junior Military Science III
- Command and Staff Functions
- Law of War
- Weapons
- Team Dynamics and Peer Leadership
- Military Operations and Tactics
Senior Military Science IV
- Training the Force
- Military Justice
- Ethical Decision Making
- Personnel Management
- Cultural Awareness
- Post Installation Support
- Military Operations and Tactics
*** Students who missed MS I and MS II may attend Basic Camp in order to continue in the Advanced Course.
Course Description: Analyze decisions made by American military leaders. Study military engagements from colonial period through the current operating environment. Discover how principles of war and decisions made during campaigns affected military outcomes.
Mr. David Escamilla
Military Science InstructorSan Diego State UniversityAlpha Co. OIC[email protected]619-594-1238
Captain TimMay Beale
Assistant Professor of Military ScienceUniversity of San DiegoDepartment of Military Science[email protected]619-260-7920
Sergeant First Class Miguel Rodriguez
C Co NCOICSan Diego State UniversityDepartment of Military Science[email protected]760-750-4874
Course Description: Military Science 101 and 102 provide an introduction to the structure, organization, and missions of the US Army. Students participate in a combination of classroom and field work that teach them basic doctrine and tactics as well as military briefing and writing techniques. Students also participate in a physical conditioning program and are taught the principles of physical fitness.
Staff Sergeant Greg McGee
Military Science Instructor/A Co NCOICSan Diego State UniversityDepartment of Military Science[email protected]619-594-0820
Captain Adam Cross
Military Science InstructorUniversity of San DiegoDepartment of Military Science[email protected]619-260-7920
Major Gladys Balderas
Assistant Professor of Military ScienceCalifornia State University at San MarcosDepartment of Military Science[email protected]760-750-4874
Course Description: Military Science 201 and 202 prepare students for entry into the Advanced ROTC program. Emphasis is small unit infantry tactics, operations orders, and military history. Class is conducted twice a week with topics including: leadership, drill and ceremony, map reading, orienteering, rifle marksmanship, first aid, operations orders, and physical conditioning and training. The presentation of material is divided between lecture, hands-on format in classroom, and practical application in leadership laboratories.
Lieutenant Colonel Josh Sider
Professor of Military ScienceSan Diego State UniversityDepartment of Military Science[email protected]619-594-1231
Course Description: Military Science 301 and 302 develop leadership and organizational skills, time management, and technical competence in military-related subjects. Students concentrate on the practical application of the leadership fundamentals and techniques learned in the ROTC Basic Course and prepare for success at the Advanced Camp.
Lieutenant Colonel Josh Sider
Professor of Military ScienceSan Diego State UniversityDepartment of Military Science[email protected]619-594-1231
Course Description: These courses present an overview of the Law of War, military code of conduct, values, military ethics, military law, and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Practical leadership experience is gained as cadets participate in the planning and evaluation of training exercises that are focused around practical scenarios Second Lieutenants in today’s Army will encounter.