
In addition to the mandatory requirements of the Army ROTC program, additional opportunities are available for cadets.

Ranger Challenge

Ranger Challenge is an extracurricular club where cadets compete at the annual Ranger Challenge competition. During the training, cadets undergo intense physical training and learn technical tasks that push them physically and mentally. Cadets who make the team compete against other ROTC programs in hopes of being crowned champions of Task Force Aztec.

Summer Opportunities 

In addition to regular classes during the school year, cadets have the ability to participate in summer training programs. Optional summer programs for cadets include attending:

  • Project Global Officer (GO) is a nationwide program open to all qualified ROTC students offering fully-funded opportunities in critical language education, overseas study, and cross-cultural experience. Through Project GO, future military officers develop linguistic and cross-cultural communication skills required for effective leadership for all Services in the 21st century operational environment. Since 2007, Project GO has provided approximately 6,500 students with opportunities to study culture and 19 languages, both domestically and abroad in 33 countries around the world.

Military Schools:

The following training is open to any qualified ROTC cadet (space-available):

Advanced Camp

The ROTC Advanced Camp is the most important training event for an Army ROTC cadet. The 35-day mandatory training event incorporates a wide range of subjects designed to develop and evaluate leadership ability. The challenges are rigorous and demanding, both mentally and physically. Advance Camp tests intelligence, common sense, ingenuity, and stamina. These challenges provide a new perspective on an individual’s ability to perform exacting tasks and to make difficult decisions in demanding situations. Advanced Camp places each cadet in a variety of leadership positions, many of which simulate stressful combat situations. In each position, cadets will receive evaluations from platoon tactical and counseling (TAC) officers and noncommissioned officers. In addition to proving their leadership ability, cadets and officer candidates must meet established standards in physical fitness, weapons training, communication, combat patrols and demonstrate their proficiency in many other military skills. Cadets  must excel at Advanced Camp to be considered competitive for a commission as an Army officer.

Air Assault School

The Air Assault School, conducted at Fort Moore, GA., is 10 days of mental and physical challenges. This school is designed to teach air assault skills and procedures, improve basic leadership skills, instill the Air Assault spirit, and award the Air Assault Badge. During the course you will face such challenges as:

  • Obstacle Course – You will be required to negotiate a demanding obstacle course.
  • Rappelling – You are required to tie a series of knots and conduct graded rappels from walls and helicopters. You must successfully complete three-day and two-night helicopter rappels.
  • Troop Ladder – You will ascend and descend the troop ladder on a 35-foot tower and a CH-47 helicopter.
  • Rigging and Sling Loading – You will be taught and tested on how to prepare, rig, and inspect numerous pieces of Army equipment for helicopter transport.
  • Road Marches – You must complete a six-mile road march in 1 hour and 30 minutes or less; you must also complete, at the end of the course, a 12-mile road march in 3 hours or less.

Airborne School

It takes a special kind of person to volunteer for this assignment - someone with an unflinching spirit of adventure; someone who can put into practice in three minutes things that have taken three weeks to learn; and someone who is willing to live up to the Airborne history of action, dedication, and courage. If you're that kind of person, the sky's the limit in Airborne. At Jump School, you'll be introduced to your best friend — your parachute. You'll get to know everything about it. How to wear it, adjust it, use it, the works. You'll also learn all the techniques needed to accomplish your mission with absolute confidence: how to stay loose; get ready for impact; let your legs absorb the shock; roll and collapse your chute quickly; release your harness; unsling your weapon; and deploy into position. Being airborne-qualified will enhance an officer's value to the Army and enhance his or her own chances for a valuable career. This is a three-week school conducted at Fort Moore, Ga. Cadets in good physical condition may compete for a school allocation. Upon completion of the course, cadets will earn the coveted jump wings and be parachutist qualified. This course is extremely safe and boosts the confidence of all who have the opportunity to attend.

Basic Camp

Qualified students who are selected to attend this four-week, paid leadership course receive placement credit upon successful completion for the ROTC Basic Camp. This qualifies the student for enrollment into the ROTC Advanced Course. In addition, this leadership course allows the student to qualify for a two-year scholarship. Selected students are offered a scholarship prior to attending camp. Also, a student can earn a scholarship while at the camp, based on demonstrated leadership ability and past academic record.

Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT) and Dept. of Defense Internships

The purpose of the CTLT is to expose cadets to the life of a Platoon Leader in an active Army unit, such as the 82nd Airborne Division at Ft. Liberty, and 1st Cavalry Division at Ft. Cavazos, and the 2nd Infantry Division in Korea. CTLT allows cadets to observe other leadership styles and allow them to develop their own. Cadets must have completed Advance Camp to be eligible.


The Department of Defense Internships offer opportunities for cadets with special language, technical, or research skills with various agencies to include positions with the Central Identification Laboratory, Defense Information systems Agency, National Ground Intelligence Center, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Army Science Board, U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine. Cadets receive an Officer Evaluation Report (OER) upon completion of CTLT.

Robin Sage

The Robin Sage exercise provides cadets with an interest in Infantry and/or Special Forces an opportunity to serve as squad members within "G" bands. There are 15 "G" bands consisting of three to four cadets, 15-20 regular Army personnel and one "G" Chief. The "G" band conducts link-up operations with Special Forces Student Operational Detachment Alphas, receives specific training and conducts combat and sustainment operations. Over a three-week period this program provides the cadets with opportunities to learn and grow as potential leaders. Areas to which cadets are exposed: Troop Leading Procedures, Mission Planning (Warning, Patrol and Frag orders), Small Unit Tactic (Raids, Ambushes, Recons), Air Operations (Drop and Landing Zones and Message pick-up), Basic Field Craft (Survival, Expedient Navigation), Demolition, Medical, Communications and Weapons. The location for this exercise is Camp Mackall, North Carolina. Cadets are selected and assigned to available RS positions by their PMS.